Gloria Budd started her career coaching sports stars on how to reach the very top.

Tennis players, racing drivers and football stars were all taught how to channel their energy to reach the big time, using a number of different methods such as inspirational music, styling for confidence, adopting the right posture and the right attitude.

Gloria, who lives in Marlow, has since branched out to help everyone achieve their goals.

From losing weight, to dressing to impress for life or even just for a big occasion, to adopting a positive attitude, Gloria is a firm believer that this should be attainable for all.

Here Gloria gives her tips on how to feel like a whole new you: How to have the confidence to tackle anything Breathe – it’s very underrated! By breathing deeply and rhythmically you will change your physiology and feel empowered!

Listen to the voice in your head – you know the one that judges and tells you you are not good enough – sound familiar? Mentally shut this voice away in a soundproof room – instead have a positive phrase that you continually repeat each day – I am strong, vibrant, and I can and will achieve whatever I want.

Visualize the outcome that you want and see yourself doing this. Create an image in your mind of you standing tall, being confident in all situations. Praise others and accept praise in return.

When you walk into a room – focus on one thing in the room, either a person or something in the room – make an impact by standing tall, shoulders retracted, tummy in.

Finally – smile from the inside out!

Where to start to reinvent a new you Declutter your wardrobe – be tough about it – anything that doesn’t fit or hasn’t been worn for more than a year, let it go!

Move – exercise – join a class – walk – just do whatever you are capable of doing right now!

Eat healthily – reduce your alcohol intake – you will have more energy and this will show from the face down!

Stop smoking – apart from the obvious harmful effects on your health – it is ageing!

Change your hairstyle – change the colour – this will make quite an impact.

Have your makeup done professionally in a local store – this is usually free!

Wear a colour you would not normally wear – notice how your confidence grows.

Go girl!

For more details contact Gloria Budd on 07714 244404.