AMERSHAM writing duo Lorraine Bateman and Paul Cole have examined the affects of war atrocities in their debut novel titled At Midnight in a Flaming Town.

Combining a love of writing and an intense interest in military history, the pair released the book through Karnac Books who have a history of publishing psychological books.

The novel follows the plight of three fictional characters placed in the historical setting of war torn Brussels in 1915.

As the German army plunder what they, can the trio choose to fight against the impending danger to guide escaping British soldiers to safety.

The book examines the affect of war atrocities, such as rape and massacres, and its effect on otherwise ordinary civilians.

Mrs Bateman said: “The stories are there from the past and I really feel they are still relevant today. It is sad how history repeats itself.’’ Mrs Bateman studied a Masters of Biography after a career in human resources.

After 18 months of development, seeing the story in hard copy of the book for the first time was a memorabale occasion.

She said: “It was a wonderful moment when I held the book in my hand. We put a lot of work into the front cover, it’s given the stories a physical form.

“As a widow, when you lose you’re life partner at young age you think I’m not going to put my life on hold, this is what I want to do.

“Two things came together. I read Birdsong by Seb Faulkes and became very interested in the first world war so I visited the areas of France. I collect war memorabilia and medals of war.’’ Their journey from the intial idea to publishing the book followed a different route to success than most authors.

The script was reviewed by well-read before being selected in an X-Factor-style process.

The acknowledgement from their peers added to the pair’s satisfaction.

She said: “Rather than one agent or reader it was already tested by a number of readers who read books all the time.’’ To purchase a copy of the book go to