ST Peter Players offered an evening of comedy in the form of three one act plays.

It was a supper theatre so the hall was set out with tables and chairs and the audience were invited to bring their own food. This made for a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

It also gave the opportunity to members of the group to try their hand at directing for the first time.

The first play, Bang You’re Dead, directed by Helen Capewell, had an unexpected twist at the end. The second play, Last Tango in the Chalfonts, directed by Graham Caesar-Gordon used local groups and places to make it personal to the area and produced gales of laughter as the audience recognised the references.

The third play, What’s for Pudding, which was hilarious was directed by Alan Caesar-Gordon and completed a very successful selection.

The sets were superb and credit must go to the back stage crew who accomplished amazing changes efficiently and silently which is quite a feat and not an easy thing to do.

With a strong cast in each play and clever scripts the evening bounced along at a good pace.

The audience were very vocal in their approval and it was obvious everyone enjoyed themselves. Well done St Peter Players it was great.