A doctors group overseeing GP services across south Bucks has joined the British Heart Foundation (BHF) in calling for people to look after their heart in more ways than one this Valentine’s Day.

February is National Heart Month, and the national charity wants everyone to check their pulse and blood pressure to help flag up and reduce the risk of heart problems.

Dr Raj Thakkar, the CCG’s commissioning director for planned care said: “The more attention you pay to your heart’s health the more chance you have of leading a full and healthy life for as long as possible.

“Relatively easy lifestyle changes can make an enormous difference to the state of your heart. Eating and drinking sensibly, avoiding obesity and staying active will help prevent the onset of many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and strokes.”

The BHF also offers education on heart care to schools, as well as a ‘health at work’ scheme, offering advice for employers to help support health and wellbeing in the workplace.

For more information on heart health, go to http www.nhs.uk and bhf.org.uk