I know everyone in Wycombe was deeply shocked and saddened by the death of Jo Rand from an acid attack last year. 

After the acid attack on Ms Rand and another on a taxi driver in the town, I wrote to the Home Secretary calling for tougher sentencing and asking for the sale of corrosive substances to be restricted.  

The Government has introduced legislation called The Offensive Weapons Bill, which is currently being scrutinised by the House of Commons.  

Some of the key changes in the Bill are to make a new offence of possessing a corrosive substance in a public place; a new offence of selling certain harmful corrosive products to under 18s; and new restrictions on online sales of bladed articles and corrosive products including restrictions on deliveries to residential premises.  

Acid attacks are thankfully rare, but always have devastating effects. 

That is why I welcome the government taking robust action to prevent this happening again.  

Steve Baker, MP for Wycombe, Constituency Office, West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe