ROMANY gipsy church leader the Rev Terry Hurst has branded people in South Bucks as the most prejudiced in the UK.

He claims the fact there is no gipsy site in the Wycombe district is proof enough but also states that his own children have been bullied.

What people are concerned about is not the fact that there may be genuine Romany gipsies in the area, but the number of travellers.

As a newspaper we have many calls from the public about travellers setting up camp and leaving a mess behind them. This is not the same as being prejudiced against Romany gipsies, which the majority of travellers aren't.

If Romany gipsies or genuine travellers wish to camp in an area where they have been given permission and keep it clean then there should be no prejudice.

South Bucks is multi-cultural and multi-racial and people are treated equally so long as they conform to the laws of the land.