ATTENDANCE AT THIS YEAR'S AGM of the Residents Association was far smaller than last when the Parish Plan was presented.

Four of the committee stood down under rotation and three were duly re-elected with one member retiring from office.

Chairman Trevor Dean outlined some of the work the committee had done over the year and its achievements. Waste transfer at Binders Yard, Millfield Farm, speed reduction, gates and trees at the allotments are all issues on which the association has represented members.

The accounts ended the year with a healthy balance helped by good revenues from the quarterly magazine advertising. Annual membership is just £2 per household and new members of this active association would be very welcome.

THE GUIDE HUT has a bright new look following internal painting. Over the last few months there have been many hands, brushes and hard work put in to brighten up this small hall that is used by such groups as the Guides and the Residents Association. The walls are now a gleaming white with a black finish to the beams. There is more to be done on the outside to help preserve this facility. Well done to all the volunteers and the Residents Association. If you can help I am sure more volunteers would be welcome.