I SUSPECT that the turn-out for last night’s local elections was ridiculously low as usual, with masses of people spurning the chance to add their voice to democracy. If I’m right, this will be doubly disappointing given that last night was also the referendum for the Alternative Vote system.

I have been left infuriated over the years at the way British people casually disregard their right to vote. But it’s not just apathy: many simply don’t understand what they are voting for.

Oh, it’s easier in the national elections when it’s a straight choice between Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. People like to judge personalities not politics.

Most folk haven’t a chance in the local polls because they simply cannot comprehend the system. AV sounds good, but I have to be cynical and say some voters wouldn’t be able to go the extra mile – they have a tough enough time putting a cross in one box as it is.

Sadly, British society has been dumbed down to the extent that people are unable to understand the most basic concepts. A politician could win the keys to Downing Street these days simply by having a sharper suit or a nicer hairstyle.

Voting is seen as a basic right, but the public have abused this over the years.

Therefore, how about setting up entrance exams, based on current affairs, before allowing individuals to vote?

Yes, there would be a righteous outcry, but I bet you’d see higher turn-outs at elections from an indignant public eager at last to fight for their rights.