JUSTICE has been served after two men were jailed for the murder of 18 year-old Stephen Lawrence, Attorney General Dominic Grieve says.

Gary Dobson and David Norris were convicted in a landmark case over one of the most notorious unsolved murders in British history.

The pair were given life sentences for the race killing which happened in 1993.

Beaconsfield MP Mr Grieve said on Wednesday: “I think it was a despicable and an appalling crime and all right thinking people will be pleased that two of the perpetrators have now been brought to justice after such a long time.”

However, it was only a law change in 2003, passed by Parliament, which enabled the case to go ahead.

Previously, under double jeopardy, a person cleared of an offence could not be tried again.

Mr Grieve, who oversees and directs the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Parliament has made this provision and the courts regulate it and it's very sparingly applied.

“It's precisely to cover instances where new evidence comes to light where evidence wasn't available at the time of the original trial, which in this case was DNA.

“Yes, there's a controversial element to it.

“But on the other hand, I think this is a change in the law which, although we've got to be careful not to extend it too far, in the case of a grave crime like murder is appropriate.”

- The sentences handed to Gary Dobson and David Norris are to be reviewed by the Attorney General's office, it was revealed on Thursday afternoon.