I MUST confess to being confused, once again, by comments made on behalf of the Hazlemere Sports Association.

Firstly, let me explain I am not connected to the parish council in any way but continue to feel that they are being misrepresented unfairly.

Mr Horton has asked me to explain how a volunteer community group can make significant investment in the building which it occupied.

The answer, of course, was that it was not paying an appropriate rent.

Mr Horton also states that the HSA has made two offers worth several thousand pounds per annum.

If he would care to look at the rental income of a three bedroomed house in the Hazlemere area, he would find the annual rent would be in the region of £15,000 pa.

What is the value of the facilty that the HSA occupied (perhaps near £2million)?

The parish council is ‘duty’ bound to find the most suitable return on the assets of the parish and the comment stating that the council has spent circa £30,000 on legal and professional surprises me.

Correction - the ‘rate payers’ have spent this money and the responsibility for this expense is clearly with HSA.

“Why not negotiate?” says the headline.

Perhaps Mr Horton could actually say when negotiations were first commenced.

I thought it was at least a couple of years ago! Over to you Mr Horton. - Colin Helps, by email