Winter is well and truly here.

Don't get me wrong as yours truly likes going out in the cold winter chill but the dark mornings are quite depressing.

Getting up at six in the morning on a dark winters day and driving into to the town at just gone seven sometimes make me wonder why I bother.

On my journey into work there are not many other workers around. Indeed it takes a dedicated person to turn out on the coldest mornings, in the worst weather only to get a paltry wage (if you can call it that) in return.

The wealthy will be sidling into work much later after having a proper rest in bed. Indeed those on the highest income only need to get up in time to make their signing appointment at the dole office.

You can imagine my feelings after reading an article that caught my attention on the web site of a national news paper which insinuated that many of the British people are not prepared to work for low pay.

If British workers had been prepared to work for lower wages think how much industry would still be in the country.

It was the strikes of the 1970's that finished off British industry. The workers demands for more pay not only brought the country to its knees but showed they were unreliable for steady production compared to overseas workers.

Even the children leaving school expect to start on a good wage indeed there seems no concept of starting at the bottom and working their way up through an organisation.

The world in which modern people live is littered with expensive gadgets powered by electricity and people demand, no expect, to have them no matter the cost.

Their demand for the latest technology has forced up wages, driven up unemployment and left a chasm filled by those prepared to work for less.

Maybe its time people realised their station in life?

Putting things in perspective I fear most people think their station in life in on par with the magnificent grand terminus at Marylebone. However my good self is fully aware that my station in life is more like Denham Gold Club which is no more than a platform with a tin shed on it.

If only more people had a realistic outlook on life them maybe more people would be in employment and earning a wage.

How many people would be prepared to work for the minimum wage? I suspect very few and a good number would rather receive dole money and do nothing rather than do a honest days work for a pittance.

Maybe it's time the benefit culture was consigned to the dustbin of history and state handouts were only be given in return for community work?

One thing is for sure, at least yours truly is happy in life even if the average paper boy earns more when considering the work to reward ratio.

What do you think?