So as I write this, Dad is now living it up in the Vesace Hotel. Such a tense evening at Baker Towers. We all had sleepless nights worrying about this evening and the trial that marked the end of his jungle journey.

We’re torn between wishing he had gone further and being so pleased by the reaction he had to being freed. We all got tearful when we saw Mum and Dad reunited on the bridge, never expected to! On the ITV2 show, Joe swash was so funny. He said Dad had been punching above his weight to get Mum. She’d have absolutely loved that. All the presenters seem to have really been rooting for him. I think he’ll be so chuffed by all the support he’s had on the programme and from the public. There have been Twitter and Facebook campaigns and all sorts, so thank you to everybody who have been on Team Baker!

We are so pleased he did a trial before he left. Some of the exclamations that sprang from his mouth were classic! ‘Son of a gun!’, ‘Blood and Sand’, ‘What’s this ...ow... a prickly snake’. No Dad. It’s called a lizard. I was expecting his big battle to be against a terrifying spider, or huge snake, but no. It was a crab, or a ‘savage’ as Dad called it.

Now there are only seven left. I think this is the first year for a while where the final 3 are not obvious. I was surprised Dad named Eric as his favourite to win. It just goes to show that you can’t know exactly what relationships are like down there. Can’t wait to hear from Dad personally. The Baker Girls choices for winner are a mixed bag. We vote for Ashley, David, Hugo and Rosemary. Watch this space...