I was at the Royal Courts of Justice to hear the judgements in person following the judicial review process.

The following day I met up with members of the various campaign groups, at the “HS2 Shop” in Amersham, to discuss the next steps.

It is well worth repeating what Mr Justice Ouseley said when upholding the challenge to the compensation scheme: “The consultation process in respect of blight and compensation was all in all so unfair as to be unlawful.”

Reading through the judgement it vindicates what people in this constituency and elsewhere have been saying about the way the consultation was handled.

This was a warning shot across the bows of the Coalition Government and they cannot ride roughshod over the lives of the people who live on and near the proposed route. The future of individuals, families and businesses must be taken into account.

There is no way now that the Government can be triumphalist and also no way that they can say with any justification whatsoever that this is a “Win-Win” project.

As a parliamentarian I am looking at the ways that “Paving” legislation could be handled and challenged through careful scrutiny in the parliamentary process.

For instance, it looks as though there might be two “hybrid Bills” – one handling the southern part of the route with a later one handling the northern part.

If the impetus for this project is to bring an end to the north-south divide, then why would it make sense to perpetuate the north-south divide by having two hybrid bills?

Particularly as there is a group of northern local authorities which is promoting the project and is asking for the work to start on the basis that it will boost the economy in their areas?

From talking to campaigners and others at the end of last week, there is the possibility of appeals being lodged against some of the other judgements.

I want to pay tribute to all the campaigners who have worked so staunchly since March 2010 when the HS2 project was announced.

They have demonstrated that their teamwork in challenging the project has not been a waste of time and effort. The battle is far from being over. They are an inspiration to others elsewhere who are facing the same kind of testing time.