A leaflet campaign has been started in Marlow by an otherwise untraceable group, ‘Save Portland Gardens’, to convert the currently rundown site to a public garden.

Portland Gardens has suffered years of indecision and neglect due to various abortive development schemes. The chance now exists to develop this area with much-needed residential property at all cost levels. A further garden would be superfluous as the large (23 acres) Higginson Park is only some 100 yards away and is well used.

Who do SPG propose will buy this site, fund the conversion, pay for subsequent maintenance and upkeep? Certainly, neither Marlow Town or Wycombe District Councils have the finances for such expenditure. There are few areas in and around Marlow which can be developed for residential use and, following the recent floods, grave concerns must exist about any building plans near the river.

A town centre garden already exists at the high street end of Institute Road, the May Balfour Memorial Garden. This was created by the purchase and demolition of a bungalow that had been the former home of a supporter of accommodation for the homeless.

Marlow needs houses, Portland Gardens are zoned for houses and is the right place to build them. — B.J. Mulady, West Street, Marlow