Are the buses in High Wycombe the smelliest most polluting in the country?

Why is it that the buses in High Wycombe leave a dirty, black, polluting cloud of diesel emissions as they leave bus stops and junctions; whereas buses in other towns and cities in the country seem to have reduced or even stopped this problem? Yes, London buses seem like a breath of fresh air compared to the High Wycombe buses ‘from the Stone Age’.

Surely this flashback to the polluting days of the 1950s smogs is something High Wycombe council need to address and quickly. Polluting, smelly buses is not what a modern go-to town requires to attract shoppers, businesses and tourists.

Am I the only one who thinks this is wholly unacceptable and why has the council allowed it to go on for so long? — John Pryor, Moor Common, High Wycombe