OVER the summer I have wanted to spend time with my family using the amenities at The Rye.

However, I was unable to spend the time I wanted at the park because of the council's new initiative to charge people for parking at The Rye.

It wasn't the cost that was a problem. No, it was the fact that they will only allow you to stay for four hours. This seems very unreasonable considering that The Rye is a public area of land for the use of the people of High Wycombe.

However, if you do not live close enough to walk then make sure it is only a short stay. Don't plan to have a picnic and a bike ride, or a walk and a swim. I can understand the parking charge, as after all there are nice clean toilets there and tennis courts and The Rye is always nice and clean.

The cost is also very reasonable, but why can you not buy another ticket after four hours? They don't want people parking there and walking to the train station perhaps. No, they would rather they drive into town and add to the congestion and not park outside and walk in as has been suggested, as a form of exercise.

Something which the Government insists we all need more of.

The car park must stand almost empty outside of school holiday time, and instead the poor residents of the area now have strangers parking outside of their houses.

The council should reconsider these parking restrictions especially as there is reduced parking within the town at this time, and at least allow for the purchase of two tickets or an extended ticket for those who want to spend more time using the public park.

Ruth Middleton, High Wycombe