Despite the gorgeous weather we are currently experiencing rainy days are on the way - thankfully not before a mini heatwave this weekend. 

The Met Office has released a yellow weather warning for Bucks and has forecast thunderstorms over the weekend.

However not before a bit more sun thankfully, with temperatures for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday predicted to reach up to 24 degrees across Buckinghamshire. The hottest day expected to be Saturday afternoon.

The yellow weather warning comes into play on Sunday, May 13, from midday until 10pm. 

The Met Office has said to expect heavy showers and thunderstorms which could lead to some disruption in places, especially to travel.

They have also said that isolated property flooding is possible.

A spokesperson for the Met Office said "Heavy showers and thunderstorms are likely to break out in the south of this area late Sunday morning and early Sunday afternoon, moving steadily north whilst growing into larger areas of rain before clearing the area.

"Some intense downpours are possible in a few places."

The Met Office warned spray and sudden flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions and some road closures and there is a slight chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost.

Where flooding or lightning strikes occur, there is a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus services.