A doorbell camera captured thieves attempting to steal a car and break into a home in High Wycombe.

The family, who live at the top of Marlow Hill, said the area has experienced a "few car related thefts and also burglaries" in the past.

Between 4.40am and 4.50am on Friday, May 10, two people were seen on doorbell footage trying to break into the home.

The camera captures a man standing in the doorway holding what appears to be a cable up above his head.

The man is seen wearing a black hoodie and face covering and a backpack across his chest.

The family, who wish to withhold their name, have reported the incident to Thames Valley Police.

They said: "Early this morning [May 10] at around 4:40-4:50am we had two people on our road trying to break in to and steal cars.

"They have been captured on multiple cameras so I have included some screenshots just in case anyone might recognise them personally or from previous incidents. 

"We have experienced a rise in crime in the area so are eager for the police to get more involved. We’ve had a few car-related thefts and also burglaries."

After doing some detective work herself to find the thieves, other residents said they spotted a similar-looking man trying to steal their car.

One resident said: "The same guys were roaming the Pine Trees estate at 5.30am yesterday too.

"We captured one about to do something to our cars in our drive but got spooked by our neighbour who was sitting in his car about to go to work."

Thames Valley Police said: "It was reported to us at 9.23am on 10 May and the incident occurred between 4.40am and 4.50am that morning.

"The door to the car was locked and nothing was stolen, and so this has been filed.

"We have had patrols in the area by way of reassurance, we would ask if anybody witnesses any similar circumstances to report this to Thames Valley Police."