An imminent clear-up operation for illegally dumped waste causing health issues in Hazlemere is being organised by site owners, Bellway Homes.

Bellway Homes said the fire, which started on April 25, was caused by "illegal flytippers".

Since then smoke has continued to spread in the village for 21 days, as of Wednesday, May 15.

A spokesperson for Bellway said: "Bellway has been working with a waste disposal company to dispose of the waste, which was illegally dumped on our land, in a responsible manner.

"The removal of the waste is imminent following the completion of plans to ensure the waste is properly identified so it can be removed and disposed of in the correct manner."

Unfortunately, the mound has continued to smoulder and emit smoke despite the best efforts of the fire service.

This has led to complaints by residents of nausea and headaches likely caused by the fumes.

Bucks Council, when asked, indicated that they were not actively monitoring air quality.

Instead, the situation has been passed to the Environment Agency for attention.

Buckinghamshire Councillor for Hazlemere, Steven Roy, commented on the situation, saying: "I know residents in my ward are very concerned about this and I’ve visited the site and neighbouring house.

"I've been working to ensure that the relevant agencies and the landowners are working together to make sure the site is safe and to investigate what has happened and what was burnt."

Roy added, "We do have a lot of information and testing is already underway.

"I’m in contact with Susan Jamson amongst others so that we can give updates and I’m thankful for their efforts."

Reinforcing the importance of public safety, he advised residents to keep their windows and doors closed, and maintain distance from the smouldering site.

Bellway Homes’ handling of the situation is being watched critically by various parties.

Notably, concerned resident Susan Jamson has been pressing Buckinghamshire Council and the Environment Agency for detailed information on whether the burning material posed hazardous risks.

Meanwhile, new light is being shed on the history of the site.

Last week, official documents revealed "elevated levels of contamination" in sections of the area when development plans were first proposed.

A Bucks Council Environmental Protection Officers report dated August 2023 mentioned: "Site investigations were subsequently completed by RSK which comprised both targeted and non-targeted sampling," including soil testing and the identification of potential asbestos content.

As of now, Bellway Homes has yet to reveal what material is actually burning at the site.

However, their recently announced clean-up effort should help bring relief to the concerned and affected residents of Hazlemere.