Celebrity Bucks resident Russell Grant's weekly Bucks Free Press horoscope from Saturday, July 30:

If life in general has an overly familiar feel to it, events at this time will offer you a golden chance to change all that. Don't be afraid of setting your sights high and refuse to be influenced by less imaginative souls. You have the energy, willpower and determination to make some important and far-reaching changes in your life. Act on your ideas but don't take risks. All it will take is a little sensible thought to prevent you from making mistakes.

What's going on, or is about to go on in your domestic world will seize your full attention. There's a lot happening and this won't be without a degree of confusion. Once you bring some order within your own four walls you will feel happier. Others will be willing to help when they realise how strongly you feel about this so do speak up. Expect to be involved in a number of discussions concerning money and legal matters.

The cheerful outlook of an older relative who has been feeling down will bring a smile to your face. What's not to love about time you spend with your close friends and family? There will be a need to gain control of a difficult situation in connection with your work or a personal matter. It might feel as if someone else has been pulling all the strings and they've been getting their own way for too long now. It is time for this to change.

Whether strictly personal or of a shared variety, financial affairs come under favourable influence. It doesn't matter whether you are shopping for luxury items or spending cash on major themes, it will be hard to put a foot wrong. Mutual agreement over important decisions will improve joint financial affairs. Make the most of the cooperative mood of a senior colleague. If there's something you have been hoping to ask of them, now is a good time to do so.

For once it won't be you who comes up with the best ideas. You aren't in the mood to lead but you will happily follow. Those sharing your social world seem extra adventurous and fun loving. Allow yourself to be carried along by their desire to liven up your days with activities that have nothing to do with routine. If plans call for a little travel, even better, as visiting unfamiliar places will feel refreshing and uplifting.

Don't delay if you're thinking about starting a diet, beginning a new exercise regime or making an attempt to kick a bad habit. Now is the time to decide on the steps needed to get you on this path towards self-improvement. There is a lot going on in your neighbourhood and a number of short trips are being planned. It will feel as if life is getting better and better and you have a lot to look forward to.

Your home and work environments can both be improved by encouraging the peace and harmony you value so highly into all your relationships. Why not make a conscious effort to avoid confrontation with workmates? You are well aware of the people who tend to rub you the wrong way. Do your best not to let their words upset you. Even if it means telling the odd white lie, make an effort to tell people what they want to hear. Practice this in the interest of the common good.

Your imagination is working overtime making this a perfect time to ask yourself: what are your deepest dreams and aspirations? Set your goals and start planning the first moves towards their realisation. Just be sure to keep these on a realistic level for if you get too carried away, this could take your mind into the clouds and nothing of any value will get accomplished. Your help will be required in a community event. This is where a little lateral thinking will make a big difference.

Life feels like it is full of duty and this is getting tiring. In addition to this you're trying to fit in a favour or two someone is expecting from you. You almost dread the amount you are committed to but once you get started you will quickly get through all you have to do. Some jobs could in reality turn out to be highly entertaining and extremely satisfying so things won't be half as bad as you may have been expecting.

Something is going on in the background of which you are presently unaware. This will shortly come to light and it will benefit you in some way. Changes at work will work out well for you when your powers of perseverance, reliability and stamina are being appreciated by a superior. A relative is having problems and so far you have pretended not to have noticed. Although you don't want to get involved, they do need your help.

Your mind is clear. You know exactly where you are heading and this will help you overcome obstacles. Not only this, but you will be able to push your way through problems that have been holding you back. The support of an older colleague will be worth more than words could ever say. Someone who was trusted with an important responsibility isn't up to the job and you won't mind stepping in to help them.

At times when others may hesitate through indecision you will amaze everyone by knowing exactly what you want to do. Your boss and senior colleagues will be impressed by your assertiveness. Even so you should guard against being careless. It isn't a good idea to get carried away by enthusiasm that this leads you to taking unnecessary risks. In a close relationship, feelings need to be discussed openly and honestly. Spill out what is on your mind.