The muddled cloud that has been hanging over financial affairs will suddenly lift. You are taking a more organised approach to money matters. 

It’s going to be annoying working with people who make no effort to consider the needs of the team. 
You are starting to make headway in a project that has not been flowing well. Now you can see results, this will add an extra impetus and you will be keen to get on and complete the job in hand. 

You’re inclined to rush things and this won’t be necessary. No one is expecting a difficult job to be completed immediately. Besides, being in too much of a rush could lead to mistakes. 

Even if you aren’t feeling as energetic as normal there will be plenty of people around who will lend a hand. 

Speaking your mind could lead to an ugly argument until someone else steps in. 
Financial transactions will centre on home, family and property concerns. You have almost magical determination and will find the courage to initiate lifestyle changes you are currently dreaming of. A youngster in the family looks up to you and will happily follow your lead.
Anything that has gone wrong can be put right and once hurdles are overcome, you will work flat out until things are going smoothly again. 

Don’t be too quick to give up hope if a job you are working on doesn’t seem to be going very well. 

Property, legal and financial matters keep you mentally on your toes. You aren’t someone who likes to rush things. 
An argument that occurred at the start of the month will be brought up in conversation. 

Prepare for an onslaught of demands that are about to be fired in your direction from some unexpected areas.