ONE of the best known love stories which has lasted across the ages is being brought to Amersham.

Heartbreak Productions is putting on Pride and Prejudice outdoors at Woodrow High House in Cherry Lane on August 21, come rain or shine.

And that is what makes it so real, said director Marie McCarthy.

“The thing about outdoors always means you are going to have different conditions. You visit some of the most beautiful places in the country,” she said.

Most people know Jane Austen's story which follows the love lives of five very different sisters. And Heartbreak Productions brings it outdoors.

McCarthy said the openness of the stage means the audience who are on three sides can see the journeys of the actors, which gives a different perspective.

She said: “It is not just the playing space- it is happening around you. The audience can see Mr Collins travelling to The Bennets house with his suitcase.”

When people arrive they are also greeted by the actors in character.

But what if it rains? “We keep going regardless. Only if it becomes dangerous you top. What is brilliant with the British public and only in outdoors. Proper are prepared and come with wet weather gear and bolt down.”

she said if there is a big downpour then they wills top for people to put their waterproofs on and carry on.

She said: “It is a great feeling environment. It is like when you are running you really have to run. You really fall on the grass- the mud is really on your feet. It is a mix between film and theatre.

“It is very real. I went to see them in Sheffield last weekend and there was a cat roaming in the audience.”

McCarthy believes the story, which was published in 1813, is still relevant today.

She said: “Austen has drawn such detailed characters and her observations are so acute and you identify with this them.”

Adrian Fear plays Darcy and Gabrielle Douglas plays Lizzie.

Pride and Prejudice will be at Woodrow High House on August 21 at 5pm. Bring a picnic. Tickets are £15 from