WHEN DIY presenter Nick Knowles was younger his father would tell him and his brother stories before bed time about the dark and exciting world of smugglers.

The stories captured the imagination of the two brothers and now his brother John has written a musical encapsulating the tales which will be showcased in Chesham.

West End star John Jo Flynn from Les Miserables and Lynsey Britton who played the leading lady in Guys and Dolls opposite Patrick Swayze are taking lead roles.

Nick, who took a moment out from his schedule filming a new quiz show for Saturday night lottery called Secret Fortune and filming a new series of DIY SOS, said: “My family have always been around music. I play guitar. My brother is a full time musician and my sister is a dancer.

“We are a very music orientated family.”

His late father, Eddie Knowles, was from Hastings and told them the thrilling adventures of smugglers.

Nick is one of the producers on the show and if his hectic schedule allows it he will perform in the show as Old Jack.

He said: “I wrote Historyonics for the BBC six years ago which looked at the history of drama. It seemed sensible for me to get involved.”

It is a real family affair as Nick's son is involved and will have a small part, as will his two nephews.

He added: “ We are looking at taking it to the West End. Coming to Chesham gives us a chance to run it through.

“It gives us an opportunity to bring a brand new musical into an area like Chesham. My brother lives near Hemel Hempstead.

“We went and had a look at The Elgiva and it seemed like the perfect theatre for us. Chesham will have a West End quality production on their doorstep.”

Smugglers is set in a coastal smuggling village in the 1740s and describes a 15-year-old boy's initiation into the world of smuggling and the horrors which lie within.

Nick added: “It deals with love and hate. There is smuggling, sword fighting and all types of things going on. It is a rollicking couple of hours.”

DIY SOS is in the middle of the current series but said it will be the last half hour episode series as next they are going to do Mega Build where they will revamp the whole house and not just one room.

Nick said: “it is incredible. The show started 11 years ago and it still gets six million viewers.

“I hate DIY. I have always said that on the programme. The guys bring it to life. They are the country's favourite builders.

“It is a very honest programme. ON TV people are frightened about putting a foot out of line but my builders have- they are working class heroes.”

Smugglers is coming soon. Nick said: “buy tickets early. It is going to be a great show. Any women who are world cup widows- take your girlfriend out to watch a new musical.”

Smugglers- A Musical is at the Elgiva, Chesham from Thursday 8 – Saturday 10 at 8pm and an additional 2.30pm showing on Saturday. Ages restricted to 12 plus. Tickets are £15 (£12 concessions) Call 01494582900 or go to www.elgiva.com.