Wycombe’s Labour group has lambasted the revamped 11 Plus exam as being “damaging” to pupils after figures reveal a disparity between pupils from Wycombe town gaining entry to grammar schools compared to those who are privately educated.

Wycombe Labour Group’s analysis of last year’s 11 Plus test shows that children from the town’s state schools had a lesser chance of passing the exam compared to those attending private schools.

At Buckinghamshire County Council’s education, skills and children’s services select committee last week, grammar school headteachers were accused of avoiding questions about disparity in the 11 Plus.

This week, Wycombe’s Labour party released an analysis of the figures showing the pre-appeal pass rate for children who sat the exam for September 2014 intake.

The group said the average pass rate for Wycombe town schools is 12 per cent, whereas the average pass rate from private schools is 65 per cent.

In a statement released by Wycombe Labour, they state: “The 11 Plus doesn’t select on the basis of a pupil’s ability which is what the grammar schools claim.

“It is unfair because it disadvantages pupils from poorer backgrounds and from ethnic minority groups.

“It is damaging because it makes pupils who do not pass the exam feel like failures. Wycombe Labour believes the 11 Plus should be abolished.”

David Williams, Wycombe Labour’s Parliamentary candidate, said: “All of Wycombe’s schools have the potential to be outstanding but the goal of giving every child a fair and equal chance of attending such a school will surely be more likely to be achieved by the ending of selection by 11 Plus.”

Philip Wayne, headteacher of Chesham Grammar School and chairman of the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, said Labour’s analysis of the results from last year’s test do not give a fair reflection of the 11 Plus on the whole.

Mr Wayne said: “It is important that any (material) published is complete and accurate and, as far as the transfer test is concerned, takes account of the full process.

“It appears that the data presented by Wycombe Labour party is based solely on last year's test, rather than including information from the review and appeals process.

“The independent school data indicates neither where the children, who have sat the transfer test in these schools, live, nor does it indicate where the schools are situated.

“The qualification rate in an independent school is generally higher as parents opt their children in to the test, whereas in a state primary school the custom is that few children are opted out.”