Re: Colin Baker's article on "pseudo-psycho-babble", BFP, August 10.

I THOUGHT you might be interested in a recent experience of ours.

Over the years we have visited many museums both in Great Britain and abroad. It is my husband's firm belief that no matter the subject matter of the various establishments, he will always end up looking at a display case labelled "flint arrow-heads".

We have recently visited American relations who, as part of our holiday, took us to the Jamestown settlement, currently celebrating the 400th anniversary of its founding.

We had a wonderful time and enjoyed conversations with many of the re-enactors employed on the site.

On leaving the "village", however, we went to the museum. Needless to say, we found the inevitable cabinet of early tools, but to my husband's delight, it was no longer labelled "flint arrow heads", but rather, in bold type, the signage proclaimed "CHIPPED STONE PROJECTILE POINTS".

I can tell you, it made our holiday.

Judy Wilson (Mrs) Totteridge Drive High Wycombe