The number of traveller caravans in Wycombe has increased over recent years, figures show - and traveller groups have spoken of the “draconian measures” they often face at the hands of police.

Newly-released data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government show that, in January, there were 111 gypsy, Roma and traveller caravans in Wycombe, an increase of 52 per cent since 2015.

While all the caravans in Wycombe were situated on authorised sites, across England the number plots without planning permission has increased steadily over recent years.

All of the unauthorised sites were declared to be not tolerated by local authorities, meaning active efforts were being made to move them on.

Not tolerated sites include those where a planning enforcement notice has been served, or where an injunction has been sought against the encampment.

Jim Davies, from the Traveller Movement, called on the government to support local authorities in finding more authorised sites for traveller communities.

He said: “It is clear that the UK has a gypsy and traveller population that has as much right to be here as the rest of society and this population is not going to ‘go away’ with more police powers and draconian measures aimed at moving them on.

“The vast majority of gypsies and travellers on sites are on authorised ones. For those that aren’t, there are clear and simple solutions to allow the gypsy way of life as dictated by UN law and to promote harmony between different ethnic groups.

“The government should focus on supporting local authorities to build more authorised sites and stopping places, and to allow Gypsies and Travellers who want sites on their own land equitable access to the planning system.”