A CONTROVERSIAL insurance policy may come as a relief to the many Wycombe motorists who have been caught on speed camera at Marlow Hill over the years.

This Driving Ban Assistance policy offered by Citymain means that drivers who lose their license by gradually totting up penalty points can have their alternative transport costs repaid. The policy will only cover drivers who incur a maximum of three penalty points in any individual offence, and the company maintains it does not condone dangerous driving.

Jennie Buchanan, assistant account manager at the firm, said: "The policy only covers people who have incurred three points or less. It all depends on how you interpret it. It's covering people against an everyday eventuality."

But the three point rule will still cater for many motorists who have been caught by police for speeding offences.

Policy holders can claim for a maximum of £1,000 each month for up to six months.

* What do you think? Is this type of insurance policy a boon for motorists, or is it indirectly encouraging drivers to speed?