Plans to build 99 new homes in Chesham have been turned down by planners.

The proposals were submitted to build the new properties in land to the South West of Asheridge Road, adjacent to Darvell Drive.

The main reason why the proposals were turned down was that the ‘new development is considered to be inappropriate’ in relation to the Local Plan policy and its location within the Green Belt.

Mark Jaggard, head of planning and economic development at Chiltern District Council, said: “Within the green belt, most new development is considered to be inappropriate and there is a general presumption against such development.

“The proposal therefore constitutes inappropriate development which by definition is harmful to the Green Belt.

"Furthermore, the introduction of a large-scale residential development comprising up to 99 dwellings onto an otherwise undeveloped site would result in a loss of openness which is an essential characteristic of the Green Belt.

“It would also fail to safeguard the countryside from encroachment and to check the unrestricted sprawl of the built-up area to which is adjoins which are two of the main purposes of the Green Belt.”

The properties would have consisted of 12 flats and 87 houses, 30% of which developers said would have been affordable.