Chalfont St Peter Parish Council have blasted the proposed Local Plan, saying that one local scout camp will be forced to close should the proposals be approved.

The Council claim that the proposed construction of 200 homes in the open greenbelt land located next to the Paccar Scout Camp will have massive implications on the group.

They claim that the Paccar Scout Camp will be ‘driven out’ if the proposals go ahead, given the possible safeguarding problems that building 200 new properties could cause.

The camp currently accommodates up to 60,000 visitors per year from across the south of England.

A spokesperson from Chiltern and South Bucks District Council refuted the claims, saying: “One of the sites being considered for development in the draft Local Plan is land to the south-east of Chalfont St Peter.

“The Scout Camp and its woodlands are not designated for development. The development is planned to be a distance away from the Scout Camp land and not directly adjacent. The site adjoins the existing built-up area of Chalfont St Peter and if developed will form a new urban edge.

“If the site is released for development, the newly established Green Belt boundary will be protected, and any new buildings screened to prevent harm to the wider countryside views. Any development close to the Scout Camp would need to provide an appropriate landscaped buffer to the camp and wider countryside.

“Development of the land will require masterplans to be created with the community, sustainable transport provision and road improvements such as increasing capacity at junctions and on the A413, and the provision of infrastructure such as schools and healthcare facilities, which will be provided for by financial contributions from developers.

“All potential development will be closely scrutinised within a wider context to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place and that any building is appropriate and in keeping with the location.”