Two women from Burnham have shared their weight loss success stories after losing more than 100lbs - 7 stone - each.

Racheal Muir, 29, lost seven stone and two and a half pounds, following years of issues with her weight.

She said: “In all honesty I thought I was happy the way I was, but clearly, I wasn't.

“I had just accepted that I was a bigger girl and that was the way I was going to stay! Then I saw the Weight Watchers advert on TV and something just clicked and from that day I haven't looked back.

“Seeing the results week after week motivated me more to carry on and now, I can’t imagine ever going back to the way I was again.

Bucks Free Press:

“I'm fitter than I have ever been, I can now run 10k, I have so much more energy and feel so happy and confident and I am so proud of myself and what I have accomplished.”

Adele Newman-Marsh, who’s 46, lost seven stone and 11 pounds after a "turning point" at Easter when she found she could not play with her godson without getting out of breath.

She said: “[Weight Watchers] has an easy to follow programme and the support of a great coach and members, this has been the key to my success.

Bucks Free Press:

"My wellness has improved greatly, I sleep better and apparently, I even snore less.

"Now after my weight loss a 20-minute walk is a breeze, I run 5k 2-3 times a week and I am currently training to do my first 10k at the end of the year.

"In April 2018 the thought of walking 5k would have scared me let alone running 10k.”

Alison Scott, who coached both ladies, praised the woman for their dedication to losing weight and stated how proud she is of them both.

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