Volunteers who work at a children’s charity in High Wycombe have recently won a Marsh Trust Award.

The unpaid workers, who help out at Barnardo’s RU Safe, won the UK Team of the Year category at an award ceremony at the start of the year, where they were recognised for their contributions to helping those who are dealing with social, cultural and environmental issues.

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The volunteers from Barnardo’s RU Safe? Bucks were presented with the accolade at the charity's National Excellence Awards, where they help project workers to support young people at risk of sexual and criminal exploitation.

Once the project worker has completed their work with the young person, the volunteers then help to reinforce this, such as by revisiting online safety discussions or continuing exploration of healthy relationships.

The team of seven volunteers were nominated by Emma Harvey, who is the volunteer coordinator at the charity.

Emma said: “The support from our volunteers is invaluable as it means the young people, we work with are able to retain a connection to the service while allowing staff to be available to others who require more intensive support.

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“They help young people to accomplish things that they might otherwise struggle to do without additional support.

“One volunteer for example helped a young person apply for jobs and prepare for interviews, giving them a much-needed confidence boost.

“Our volunteer team all possess warmth, commitment and enthusiasm, working without judgement and have the resilience to build strong relationships with vulnerable young people who may have experienced, or been vulnerable to, exploitation.

“They all go above and beyond, juggling their own personal commitments, to ensure the young people have a continuity of support with them.

“I am delighted that they have been recognised for all that they do.”

For more information on RU Safe? Bucks, contact 01494 785 552 or email rusafe@barnardos.org.uk.