No visitors will be allowed into any inpatient wards at Bucks' main hospitals as they try to contain the spread of coronavirus.

It comes days after Bucks Healthcare Trust revealed a "handful" of patients at both Wycombe Hospital and Stoke Mandeville Hospital had contracted the potentially deadly virus.

ALSO READ: Coronavirus: Man in his late seventies dies at Wycombe Hospital

Restrictions on visitors to all inpatient wards have been applied at Stoke Mandeville, Wycombe, Amersham and Buckingham hospitals, the Trust said on Friday afternoon, as a "preventative measure to limit the potential spread of the Covid-19 viral infection".

The Trust warned that no visitors are allowed to inpatient wards without prior permission from senior ward staff. Any possible visitors must call ahead before visiting to avoid not being allowed in.

The restrictions will be reviewed on a regular basis each day. Ward staff are instructed to inform patients and their friends and families of these restrictions "for the safety of all patients and workforce".

Anyone with concerns can speak to the nurse in charge of the ward who can advise on individual circumstances.