CELEBRITY Bucks resident Russell Grant’s weekly Bucks Free Press horoscope from Saturday, March 28.


You’re looking at new ways of earning some cash. A freelance work assignment could be the answer to your prayers. It’s going to be hard work but it will be lucrative. You’re bound to feel frustrated with anyone who tries to talk you out of it. Trust your instincts about making money. Contact with the right people will help turn some of your ideas into reality. Where you can help others is by helping out when you can see anyone struggling with jobs you find easy.


Be prepared as someone is about to stand in your way and they will try to stop you from carrying out your intentions. There are some determined people about. You might feel out of your depth if you take them on so instead you could get around them by being guarded about the information you give out. Later, your intuition may not be as reliable as you believe it to be. A careless move or decision could cause delay or frustration. Caution in all areas is advised.


You and a partner seem to be talking a different language these days. One or both of you keeps misunderstanding what the other is saying. You might notice the same thing is happening in other relationships too. At all times, whether you’re with family, friends, workmates or neighbours, be careful not to misinterpret other people’s words or actions. As the week ends shut your mind to anything that might seem too demanding. Choose quiet pastimes that help you unwind.


Some people are running around like headless chickens. This will either amuse or annoy you. If you’re worried about a situation, turn to a Virgo friend who is good at creating order out of chaos. If you’re waiting for an email, text message or phone call to confirm arrangements pencilled in your diary, follow this up yourself. Someone has forgotten to get in touch and they will be grateful for the reminder. Comments or suggestions from an old friend will give you plenty of food for thought.


A difference of opinion could get out of hand. People are waiting for you to object to their ideas. If you aren’t in the mood for an argument, tread carefully. If you’re feeling mischievous, you might deliberately say the opposite to what they expect. In which case, they will think they’ve won and you will be secretly amused. Generally, little setbacks should be seen as minor inconveniences or else to exaggerate them out of proportion will attract problems that could have been avoided.


It will test your temper when people who should work together as a team seem to have no idea how to communicate or cooperate with each other. A group event will be so disorganised that you will take the driving seat and help sort everything out, or you will decide to pull out altogether. You might also notice where savings could be made when someone who is in charge of finances hasn’t been as careful as they should have been when looking after other people’s money.


An investment venture is losing you money and this is starting to worry you. You’re wondering whether it is time to cut your losses. Take some professional advice. It might be possible to capitalise on other aspects of your finances and this will make you comfortable again. Someone is struggling with a task they’ve never done before. Instead of leaving others to muddle on, be generous and point out where they are going wrong. You could make some friends for life in the process.


You’re swamped with demands and there’s hardly a moment to call your own. Career responsibilities will interfere with your off-duty hours. You may have made plans to go out with friends but these will have to be cancelled when work takes priority. Someone at home is grumpy. They’re sulking because they can’t get their own way. Since you have enough to contend with you won’t say anything as you know that the moment you open your mouth, they’ll blame you for their problems.


A friend wants to make a good impression and that’s why they are bending over backwards to please you. You appreciate their efforts but what’s starting to worry you is how long this is going to last. Either their enthusiasm will wane or it will all get too much for you. Tension in the home makes this the wrong time to bring up important issues, unless you have no choice about it. Try to hold your tongue and you will sense the right moment to discuss a touchy topic.


You feel as if you’re being pulled in opposing directions. Work responsibilities are heavy. Your partner is demanding extra attention and social commitments already made are difficult to get out of. Since you can’t be in two places at the same time, you are going to have to prioritise. Anything connected with investment and property matters will go better than expected. This makes it a reasonably good time to review home improvement plans and to revise old savings schemes. Just be careful when making big decisions.


Jobs you should be able to do with your eyes closed suddenly seem complex and complicated. If you’re working to a deadline, this will take up a lot of your off-duty time. The harder you try, the worse it gets and you aren’t happy with the results. Rest assured you will succeed but not without some worrying moments. Waiting for an appointment or for someone to arrive will feel frustrating when either they have got the date wrong or they are so late you thought they had forgotten about it.


Your partner is expecting you to be ready, willing and able to meet their romantic advances whenever they’re in the mood which is often. Of course you could give in to them whenever they demand but do you want to end the month feeling so drained that all you want to do is rest? In working relationships it pays to be receptive. Someone might seem to be deliberately making waves but they’re just trying to get all the facts straight before making an important decision.