Here is the weather forecast for Buckinghamshire for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Friday, November 20, is due to be wet for large parts of the afternoon and evening, with showers expecting to last from 1pm to around 5pm, with highs of around 9°C.

The evening of November 20 is due to be dry with light drizzle expected for 9pm.

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It will start to get dark at around 4pm.

Saturday, November 21, across the county will be cloudy but dry with highs of around 11°C.

It will start to get dark around 4pm with rain light rain expected in the evening.

The rain is due to come at around 8pm/9pm.

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Sunday, November 22 will be a huge contrast to the previous two days, as the sun will be shining from sunrise at around 7.40am to sunset, which will be around 4pm.

Sunday will have highs of around 9°C.