Plans to convert a bookmakers in Marlow into a new Turkish takeaway have been turned down by the council.

The proposals would have seen the William Hill premises at 27 West Street converted into a new takeaway called 'Marlow Mangal'.

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Developers had hoped for the new restaurant to be open from 7am-11pm every day.

The planning application received a total of 18 objections online.

The council have since turned down the application.

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Explaining the reason for the decision, Service Director of Planning and Environment Steve Bambrick said: "It is considered that the proposal does not meet the criteria as set out by Part 3, Class C of the GPDO 2015 (as amended by The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2015 As Amended).

"Class C permits a change of use to a restaurant or café, this is a takeaway and is a sui generis use. Full planning permission is therefore required."