This is what your star sign has in store for your love life, relationships and career the week starting Saturday, March 13.


You have been relieving other people of their responsibilities as they admitted to being overworked and overwhelmed. It is your turn now to step away from the spotlight. Even if you do nothing more than recharge your batteries or catch up on small but important chores, it is important for you to focus on your health and your own concerns. Someone at home will have news to share that will cheer you up enormously.


A senior colleague will ask for your views and opinions. Honesty is the best policy. They will respect you for speaking your mind. A job you take on will be complicated and it will take time for you to feel comfortable with new routines. Take it one step at a time. If a close relationship has been going through a rocky phase, a partner will agree to make some long-term plans. This gives you the confidence to raise your sights higher.


You're worried about a friend who seems to be getting themselves into deep water regarding a financial or legal matter. You might suggest they take professional advice if they won't listen to you. You feel you have been missing out a lot on social activities. Without neglecting important tasks, try to devote as much time as possible to catching up with what the rest of your world has been doing lately. Don't be surprised if someone asks you to share your skills online.


You had started to doubt the strength of a friendship. You've not being able to see each other as much as you used to. It's only natural in such circumstances to feel someone was tired of your friendship and may have drifted on to other things. A display of absolute loyalty around Wednesday will dispel any such fears. At home, you have it within you to keep your relationships harmonious by being the first to look for a compromise.


Some people aren't as reliable as you thought they would be. A friend will walk away from a half-made commitment leaving others with the mess. The enthusiasm they originally showed has quickly waned and you guess it's because the hard work is about to begin. At least you know not to get involved with them in the future. The more assertive side of your personality will be on show in a work situation. This will see you making great strides of progress.


Make the most of your imagination and don't let your talents go to waste. Someone is keen to develop certain skills and they will look to you for guidance. Don't think you have nothing to teach them. You should be sharing your gifts with others. A workmate is full of their own importance. They are clearly trying to impress you but the more they boast and brag, the more bored you will become with their company.


Taking the helm of a new group project will be a wonderful creative challenge. Someone will want to introduce traditional methods and you will welcome their input. Even so, don't let this stop you from encouraging others to invent new art forms. Sharing a love of creativity with a friend or partner will help sustain a rewarding relationship. Are you looking for work? Emergency services or community services would be a perfect fit for you.


You're trying to make a housemate see sense over a money matter. They're being careless with their cash. Some gentle persuasion won't seem to get you anywhere and you may have no choice but to leave them to learn from their mistakes. Just be certain to protect your own interests while this is going on. A job offer or the chance to get involved in a volunteer effort appeals. What isn't so appealing is the amount of travel involved which could be time consuming.


Tension in the home has had a lot to do with a misunderstanding over some new arrangements. You realise you have been expecting too much from someone you live with. Now you can see it from their point of view, you will be open to making some changes. You hadn't meant to take anyone's help or support for granted. You may have to look at a situation in the workplace more closely. Someone is hiding something from you as you will soon find out.


A chatty colleague could inadvertently let slip some important information. Soon you will get the chance to use this to your advantage. Shopping for the home will make you feel you are bringing some improvements into your life. You will prefer to do this alone as a friend is getting too curious about your financial situation. Whether you gave support, your time or money to helping someone out in the past, your generosity is about to be repaid.


A project you had hoped would be financially rewarding may take longer to come to fruition than you had expected. Someone may pull out of a deal and although this seems to leave you in the lurch, a delay will turn out to be to your advantage. If you sense an argument brewing in the home or workplace, be ready to change subjects quickly and leave the issue that is causing contention alone, for a while.


You may not want to admit it but you feel a strong need for emotional fulfilment. This will lead you to reaching out to those who matter. Admitting to your deepest needs and feelings will be the first step towards building closer bonds. You will not be disappointed with their reactions. A task you took on with enthusiasm isn't going as well as you had hoped. A little perseverance will help you overcome stumbling blocks.