This is what you have been writing to us about this week.

After the local elections on May 6, you reported last week that the Conservatives were celebrating victory winning 113 of the 147 seats (76.9% of the seats) on the new council.

But what you didn’t say was that the party secured only 48% of the votes cast for the new Buckinghamshire Council. How can this then be the will of the people?

On the other side of the coin, one of the main losers on 6 May was the Green Party who secured 7% of the vote gaining just one councillor in the process.

This at a time when climate change is at the top of the political agenda across the globe and when input and ideas from the Greens would surely be most welcome. Instead the Greens in Bucks are almost neutered.

First-past-the-post may lead to stable government but democracy it certainly is not!

Compare this with the elections to the Scottish parliament held at the same time.

Had the system of voting in Bucks been in place in elections in Scotland, the SNP would have had a massive majority and there would be no question of a second referendum not being granted by Westminster.

Instead, thanks to a system of proportional representation, the SNP with just under 50% of the vote won just under 50% of the seats.

And so the SNP needs its coalition partner, the Green Party, with 8% of the vote and 6% of the seats, in order to govern Scotland for another 4 years.

Meanwhile over in Germany, through the integrity and fairness of PR, the Green Party has grown from being a fringe party to now leading in the opinion polls, even ahead of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, going into the federal election in September.

Here is some more food for thought.

Under FPTP in Bucks 39% of the electorate voted on May 6; in Scotland with PR 65% of eligible voters turned out because every vote there really counts.

PR allows new parties, which catch the mood in a country at any one time, to build and expand as increased support leads to more elected representatives and, in turn, encourages the enthusiastic and young to get involved in politics.

On the other hand FPTP favours the status-quo of the old two-party system which can lead to oligarchy whilst strangling nascent parties which in consequence chokes the very life-blood out of politics.

The voters of Bucks have been robbed!

Willie Reid, Holmer Green

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Please note, any letters sent to the Bucks Free Press office are only being picked up periodically as all staff are still working from home.