This week’s camera club gallery is a little different – all the photos have been taken by primary school children.

West Wycombe Combined School students Jaya Smith, Year 6, and Isabel Gallagher-Grant, Year 5, set up a nature-themed photography competition in the school's newspaper club, collecting the entries and choosing the winners and presenting them to the school using PowerPoint.

Isabel's mum Kelly Gallagher said her daughter was inspired by the Bucks Free Press Camera Club, which now has more than 1,300 members and a themed page in the paper and gallery online each week.

The competition saw 30 entries from students of all different ages, with three winners picked – Freya Chester, of Reception class, took the first prize for her picture of a bee sitting on a flower, followed by Sebastian Ing, Year 4, and Oscar Rowley, Year 2.

Head teacher Ed Tang said: “At West Wycombe, we have wonderful junior photographers who know how important a picture can be.

“A picture says a thousand words and, in this case, it tells us a thousand words about nature in our local area.

“Our school works hard to provide all children with a chance to show off their wonderful talents and photography offers a range of exciting and valuable learning experiences.

“May this be the first of many photography competitions.”