This week, Beaconsfield MP Joy Morrissey writes exclusively to Bucks Free Press readers:

As the rain finally subsides, I hope all of you are looking forward to enjoying the rest of August and the remainder of our great summer of freedom.

The success of our unlocking strategy has gone better than we could have ever hoped and has vindicated our strategy of slowly and cautiously easing restrictions alongside our world leading vaccine roll-out.

It was also absolutely right to reach a point where restrictions would be removed altogether.

We simply could not continue moving forward in a state of fear and never-ending restrictions. Normal life must continue.

And continue it has. Across Bucks, people have gone back to the things they loved.

The cinema, bars, clubs, and packed pubs are just a slice of what has returned following freedom day.

It has been heartening to see people emboldened by the vaccine returning to what they love and enjoy.

One thing which became more popular during lockdown, and which I’m sure will remain so, is a greater awareness and appreciation of our natural environment.

Walking, cycling and simply enjoying the great outdoors have become a staple of many constituents lock down experience and will continue to do so.

It is therefore essential that we maintain and preserve as much of our precious green environment as possible.

The good news is that there is much that much that local leaders and politicians can, and should, do to ensure this.

For example, a great deal of green belt land in Buckinghamshire is owned by the county council.

The council should therefore pledge not to develop on these lands when looking for more housing developments.

The pandemic has uncovered a newfound appreciation for our green spaces, so any opportunity we have to defend should be grasped with both hands.