'Abandoned' cars on a Chesham street have been branded a “blight”.

Resident Dougal Lamond says the cars, which have reportedly been left in Cameron Road “for months”, are “not blocking anything and are not a nuisance”.

He said: “It’s been going on for so long. They are not parked on yellow lines or blocking anything, they are just there, abandoned.

“There is a car with lots of penalty notices all over it, it’s been there for around six months. A lot of them are taxed and MOTd. I think it’s ridiculous.

“I live off Cameron Road and walk there everyday. They are a blight on the street.

“It’s absurd that people can just abandon vehicles wherever they want. I’m fed up of this.”

Mr Lamond added: “This is an ongoing problem which the police have told me they are on to but they are not. Currently there are at least three vehicles which have been there for many months.”

Thames Valley Police said it was “not one for us to comment on”, adding: “Abandoned cars would need to be reported to the government.”

Peter Strachan, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment said: “We will follow up on all reports of abandoned vehicles, however investigating and removing vehicles that have been abandoned can be a lengthy process and there are strict guidelines which the council must follow to ensure vehicles are removed legally.

“The majority of reports that we receive are for vehicles that are not abandoned.

“There is no legal definition for an ‘abandoned’ vehicle, we must consider surrounding circumstances, such as the condition of the vehicle, the length of time the vehicle has been stationary, and the vehicle’s tax and MOT status.

“If we consider a vehicle to be ‘abandoned’, an abandonment notice will be issued and attempts will be made to contact the registered keeper before removing the vehicle.”

Abandoned vehicles can be reported at www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/bin-collection-recycling-and-waste/report-abandoned-vehicle.