The controversial bollards on Marlow Bridge are being reinstated after being damaged leaving the bridge closed for the week.

There are nine bollards on the bridge which had width restrictions installed in mid-February.

The distance between the bollards on the bridge were reduced to prevent HGVs from crossing the bridge.

There are also resurfacing works taking place on Bisham Road causing a closure from "Tree Cottage" northbound to Marlow Bridge.

The closure began on Monday, August 23, and will finish on Friday, August 27.

A number of closure and diversion signs are seen throughout the town and down the high street.

Bucks Free Press:

A statement from the council reads: Buckinghamshire Council are working to maintain the public highway and wish to apologise for any inconvenience during these essential highway maintenance."

The new width restrictions have caused a mixed reaction among residents and only a few weeks after the bollards were installed a campaign was launched for their removal.

It was also reported that Buckinghamshire council had also been looking at the prospect of installing ANPR cameras on the bridge.

For more information on the road closures