Buckinghamshire has been named among the smartest areas in England.

The research, by Oxford Summer School, revealed that Bucks boasts one of the highest percentages of students with top GCSE grades.

The country ranks 4th on the overall list being pipped the post by Cambridgeshire, Tyne and Wear and Greater Manchester.

It also ranked third best at Science, fourth-best for Maths and eighth for English Literature.

Kent is the region where students achieve the lowest percentage of top grades at GCSE according to the data.

In Buckinghamshire, 16.9 per cent of students achieve the top GCSE grade of 9 in the core subjects of Maths, English Literature, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics.

In comparison, Kent – the area where students achieve the fewest top grades – has just 5.5 percent of students who achieve Grade 9s at GCSE.

The research analysed new data from the office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) to discover which areas achieved the highest results in 2021.

A spokesperson for Oxford Summer School said: “This data offers a compelling insight into which areas of the UK are dominating academically, both across the board and in specific subjects such as English Literature and Language and the Sciences.

"Buckinghamshire has some of the finest education on offer in the UK, and the county’s academic prowess is clear in the stellar exam results of its students.

"Similarly, the outstanding results in places such as Greater Manchester and Tyne and Wear show that the areas are leagues ahead of the rest of the UK when it comes to academic success, and it will be interesting to see if this region is doing anything differently when it comes to preparing students for their exams”