Celebrity Bucks resident Russell Grant's weekly Bucks Free Press horoscope from Saturday, March 5.

Vast sums of money will be involved in some transactions. What makes this a case of concern is a feeling that someone is trying to buy other people's support. You are seriously wondering whether you want to be mixed up in such dodgy dealings. Within a close relationship, go with the mood of the moment and encourage your partner to do the same. Even if you have only recently started dating, relax with each other and the rest will come quite naturally.

A senior colleague will take a big interest in your work. Their helpfulness is appreciated but bit by bit they are building their influence over you and your team. Be careful when you accept any kind of help or support and be sure there are no strings attached. At the end of the day, he who pays the Piper calls the tune. It will be combined knowledge, skills and experience that will determine the outcome of a group effort.

Everything is going your way. It will feel good that the complications you had expected don't materialise. This should increase your optimism. Even so, don't let this make you careless. There's no need to take unnecessary risks when all looks so positive. Take precautions recommended if travelling or using machinery. You're looking forward to a variety of events and a challenge you take on later in the week could take you out of the area.

You are bound to feel nervous about a test, examination or interview. Do your utmost to hide personal fears from others or someone could pick up on your feelings and use this against you. Time alone will help you sort out your priorities. A neighbour will be asking for your views on a community concern. You will be happy to share these although it won't be easy to explain why you feel the way you do.

The only way to find information you need will be to do some research of your own. No matter how minutely documents are examined, the answers you are looking for cannot be found. Talking with a professional might lead you to the place which could hold details that up until now have been eluding you. Ailments relating to a past illness or accident may reoccur. Rather than repeating medical aids used previously you might look into more updated techniques.

Tension between you and a partner will have a lot to do with the amount one of you is putting into independent concerns. Either you want to share, have fun with your other half and enjoy their company or vice-versa. When was the last time you really talked to each other? You have a lot of catching up to do. In business and finance risk taking is not for you. Instead you will be promoting plans that will safeguard your future and make your immediate financial concerns more secure.

Some good news to do with your job or a job you have recently applied for will change your future prospects. Everything is going well for you but don't rest on your laurels just yet. There is still preparation to be done so you feel ready to take up new opportunities. People are expecting big things from you. Living up to the image you're trying to make of yourself will take time and effort but you're making a good impression.

It is time to sever ties of the past that are keeping you stuck in an emotional, social or professional rut. An incident early in the week will make you realise that to achieve your goals in life, you have to be prepared to make your own opportunities. You're excited for the future as you visualise what you hope to achieve. This will make you seem more adventurous than usual.

A problem that holds you back will need to be approached from a different angle. Try looking at it in a more objective way. Has there been a tendency to make wild assumptions? If you are prepared to listen, a senior colleague will do their best to explain procedures you don't understand. Money affairs and confidential matters of a joint nature will need your cooperation. Frustrating issues will crop up tediously and repeatedly but they should be dealt with as and when they arise.

Invitations to charity events and social get togethers are starting to pour in. Some of these may clash. You don't want to disappoint anyone but you can't attend them all. The answer could lie in combining some so everyone ends up happy. It won't be easy to fit everything in but you will fulfil job responsibilities. People in high places need to know they can trust you. Very soon you could be made an offer that will seem like a dream come true.

Teaming up with like-minded people who understand you will make you confident results will be achieved sooner rather than later. You know you will get help and support to make a success of this project. Sharing a mutual interest with a workmate or neighbour could prompt you to get involved in new social circles. It is those you spend your time with who help lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself now.

Money and the need to earn more will not make problems disappear and in fact could amplify them. You're determined to make a big success of work and social projects but what is this doing to a close relationship? Ask how those in the family are feeling. Be prepared to give others who matter the love and affection they crave from you. This will make all the difference to the time you spend together and will help strengthen relationships.