Celebrity Bucks resident Russell Grant’s weekly Bucks Free Press Horoscope from Saturday, April 9.

Whenever two friends get together, all they do is argue and bicker. You’re growing tired of this brittle atmosphere. In a group situation you suspect someone is deliberately causing trouble. Before laying the blame on anyone, check you haven’t jumped to conclusions. A neighbour who likes to gossip will try to get information about your personal life from you. Be careful about how much you reveal as it is being passed on to another.

Keep to the background as this is where you will be able to observe what is going on without other people noticing. A senior colleague is not willing to discuss matters you are asking about and the only way to find out the information you need is by watching from a distance. You have some heavy responsibilities and it might seem as if there is some unfairness going on. This is not the right time to air your grievances.

There’s a lively feel to the start of the week. You will feel happiest when you are on the move especially if you keep trips and journeys short and sweet. A matter you need to raise in the workplace is not going to go down well in some quarters. You need your complaints to be taken seriously. Wait until the very end of the week and those in power will be more considerate towards your concerns.

A meeting you had not wanted to attend will turn out to be one of the best conversations you have had in a long while. This will lead to opportunities you would never have dreamed of for yourself. You are feeling adventurous and you can expect to experience at least two or three out of the ordinary events this week. Include visits to friends and neighbours in your schedule. Group activities of any description will bring masses of pleasure.

Your boss will be instrumental in bringing an artistic or creative talent you have to the attention of someone who could help you further your aims. Don’t be surprised if you are offered financial reward for your efforts. Don’t allow a sudden attack of nerves to hold you back from taking up such a fabulous opportunity. Your intuitive levels are high. If and when you have to make a split-second decision, be sure to trust your instincts.

An unexpected show of thoughtfulness from a colleague or neighbour could mean a quick change in social plans. You could find yourself suddenly rummaging through your wardrobe to find something to wear for a glamourous outing or party. If you’re stuck with an awkward chore, ask for help. It would be better to get assistance than to struggle on alone. An interesting new work opportunity will come through a friend of a friend.

There’s some urgency about having to make an important decision. You have a clear picture of everything in your head and this is why you won’t have to hesitate about your answer. Don’t let the last-minute aspect of a surprise offer put you off. This will be an opportunity worth accepting. Your social life is highlighted in a splendid way. If you are single and looking, you could enhance your romantic prospects by mixing in new circles.

A new work or family project will be going better than anticipated. This will give you a chance to step back and consider all that has been accomplished so far. By doing this you will have a better idea on how to proceed and on what should be made a priority. A past event will be discussed with objectivity and this will help you realise how much your feelings have changed. Recent experiences have taught you a lot.

New social connections enter your life and they will bring them new opportunities. Responsibilities are increasing and although others are expecting you to do more than your fair share of work, this will not be an inconvenience. You thrive on challenge and wouldn’t want it any other way. You might sense a partner is against some of your ideas but if you approach this matter in a subtle way, you should get the green light you are hoping for.

Don’t dismiss the idea of refurbishing your home or buying new household equipment. A housemate knows you will accuse them of wasting money but their ideas are aimed to make your life more comfortable and spending that little bit extra will add to your home comforts. This in turn will give you a greater sense of security. Someone you work with will approach you to give a reference for a job they are applying for. They are relying on your discretion.

You are charging ahead towards a special goal and you won’t stop until you have reached it. You are in a determined frame of mind but someone you are working with will not be as enthusiastic. You may have to leave them behind. Are you in a committed relationship? You are likely to benefit in some way from your partner’s good fortune. Are you single? A neighbour will be grateful for a helping hand. This could lead to romance.

Friends will respond well to your views and opinions. Colleagues will be encouraging you to give away all your ideas but there are some, you should keep to yourself. For a negative side to this otherwise friendly phase is that someone may try to steal your notions and pass them off as their own. Expect a huge amount of activity in the workplace and in your neighbourhood. A worthwhile achievement will inspire you to think about new future possibilities.