West Wycombe school pupils delivered smiles to the community and learned more about it, as their school celebrated the Community Week.

Before the end of school term, every class was tasked to take action to extend links and to better understand what their own communities were like.

Year 6 today delivered Easter Eggs to residents, Year 5 cleaned St Paul's Church, Year 3 and 4 visited the Hellfire Caves, while Year 2 met a local doctor, Dr Asim, and R/1 worked with the Preschool on their Easter performance.

Ed Tang, the headteacher, said: “We are really keen for the children to understand the strength and importance of community, teamwork and strength in numbers.

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“We are blessed to live and work in such a beautiful area.”

While visiting St Paul's Church to help clean it, Year 5 pupils also learned about the running of the church from Alison Rimmer and what differet parts are used for. 

They also planted bulbs and small pansies in raised beds outside the church.

Once they finished their cleaning tasks in less than an hour, the eager pupils had an opportunity to look behind the screen of the altar for Serbian Orthodox Church that shares the building of St Paul’s.

The pupils loved the Community Week, and are already planning the next one, the school said.

Mrs Rowley, deputy headteacher, commented the kids’ success: “They did the school proud.

"We are so proud of all the children – they worked really well together and were very polite and well behaved.

"We’d also like to extend a huge thanks to Alison Rimmer for letting us come and help the church community in the village (and for the yummy chocolate egg rewards we got)."