A Marlow business has formed a partnership with a former athlete and Olympic gold medallist.

Osteolabs UK will work with Sally Gunnell OBE after successfully launching OsteoTest, a urine test that makes it possible to diagnose the risk of developing osteoporosis so that patients can take early action to support their bone health.

As a strong advocate of health and wellbeing and having recently launched the Optimise Your Age programme, Sally joins the innovative to help men and women understand their bone health.

Sally said: “When osteolabs first approached me with this test it immediately struck a chord.

“On further discussion and investigation, I felt that there was a strong alignment with my belief that we need to take back control of our health, inform and educate ourselves in order to be the best version of ourselves as we age.

“The importance of our bone health should not be underestimated, and as we mature this becomes more and more significant.

“By taking this simple test we can develop a better understanding of the current status of our bone health and whether we need to take any further measures to improve it.”

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle, making them fragile and easier to break.

One in three women and one if five men are affected, and it is particularly prevalent in post-menopausal women due to the sudden drop in estrogen, a hormone that is essential for healthy bones.  

Often referred to as “the silent disease” due to the fact that it is usually not diagnosed until after a fracture occurs.

Traditional testing for osteoporosis involves a referral from a doctor for a bone density scan, but the OsteoTest allows people to self-test for early detection and enables people to seek treatment sooner.

The kit contains all you need to take the test without the need for an X-ray.

Through a simple urine sample, the test can determine the calcium ratio in the bones meaning you can take the test at home, send off your sample and receive a personal result report within three weeks.