PETS being ‘killed’ and cars getting damaged has prompted a call for traffic calming measures.

Petitioners have asked Bucks Council to install speed bumps on Mansion Lane in Iver to avoid future incidents of pets being reportedly runover and wing mirrors being smashed.

Campaigners want a flat-topped speed table at the entrance of Iverdale Close and a speed hump further south on Mansion Lane itself.

Such measures could also deter near-misses for people existing Iverdale Close, they claim.

“We the undersigned petition the council to create a speed table at the entrance to Iverdale Close and a further speed hump south of this on Mansion Lane prior to 52 Mansion Lane,” they write.

“Speed of cars traveling along Mansion Lane has caused wing mirrors to be smashed on parked cars along Mansion Lane, pets runover and near-misses of those exiting Iverdale Close.

“A simple and effective traffic calming measure would be to create a speed table at the entrance to Iverdale Close and a further speed hump south of this road entrance, prior to vehicles traveling north past 52 Mansion Lane.”

The petition closes June 28.

To sign the petition, click here