A BID to expand a traveller site in Princes Risborough have been thrown out by the council.

A proposal was submitted to Bucks Council for a partially retrospective change of use application for two plots of land in Askett Lane.

Plans (part retrospective) included the change of use at plots 7 and 8 to create a single pitch traveller site made up of two mobile homes, one touring caravan and the construction of a utility room.

A planning document noted that the proposal was put forward to provide accommodation for one household and extended family only. Documents added that no other suitable alternatives are available for the family within the district.

However, a decision from planning officers have labelled the proposal as 'inappropriate development' and as a result have refused permission.

The decision notice said: "In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the development by virtue of its location in countryside beyond the Princes Risborough settlement boundary - and being within both the strategic buffer for Princes Risborough and a rural green gap identified as "Retaining Longwick Village's District Rural Identity" - would undermine the strategic role of these identified buffers."

It added that the plan would 'introduce inappropriate development' and would 'urbanise and be harmful to the open character and appearance of the area'.

Further details noted the remoteness of the site would encourage residents to be reliant on cars, contrary to the principles of sustainable development.

The decision to refuse the application - reference 22/06506/FUL - was made on July 18.