The pupils of a school in Buckinghamshire came together to celebrate the school’s achievements during its 150 year journey.

To mark the historical occasion and ambitious future plans, pupils and staff of St Mary’s Church of England School in Amersham formed a giant human ‘150’ on school grounds only visible from above. 

Alongside plans to secure ‘eco school’ status and student eco champions and creating a fruit orchard to support biodiversity in the area, the school governors committed a fundraising target of £150,000 for the year together with Friends of St Mary’s.

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Headteacher Julie Hills said: “The whole school community is so excited for this special year ahead.

"As well as providing wonderful memories for pupils and teachers this is an opportunity to look to the future and lay foundations for the thousands of pupils who will enjoy learning at St. Mary’s over the next 150 years.”

The school is also planning to bury a time capsule showing Amersham in 2023 at St Mary’s with instructions to open it in 2173. 

Chair of Governors Jacqui Rouse said: “St. Mary’s was originally funded in large part by community donations.

"Therefore, we are keen to create as many new and fun ways for the historic links between the school and the people of Amersham to be deepened for the benefit of the whole town community.” 

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