A schoolgirl has been praised for asking her friends and family to donate to a local charity as a gift for her birthday, rather than ask for presents.

Six-year-old Aurelia revealed to her parents that instead of gifts for her big day at the start of October, she would prefer if food was given to the One Can Trust warehouse in High Wycombe.

The request worked as the numerous cans and tins were donated to the charity, as the young girl along with her family, brought in cake to the cause’s warehouse for its volunteers.

Six-year-old Aurelia with the donations

Six-year-old Aurelia with the donations

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Aurelia’s mother, Sarah, said: "For her sixth birthday, she wanted to help the people around her after realising she could help when she had the idea to raise money for Ukrainian refugees selling pictures she had created.

"This time, she used her birthday party to help; instead of bringing gifts for her, Aurelia asked all her friends if they could bring donations for her local food bank in Buckinghamshire.

🌟A huge thank you to the wonderful Aurelia who asked for donations to One Can instead of receiving presents at her...

Posted by One Can Trust on Monday, 3 October 2022

"She was delighted with how wonderful and generous her friends were and was able to make a very tall donation."

One Can Trust trustee Kate Brewster added: "We are so grateful to Aurelia for doing this on her birthday.

Numerous cans were donated

Numerous cans were donated

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"The food she and her friends have collected will make a big difference to lots of local families.

"We really do appreciate all the help we receive and I'd ask anyone who can afford it, to donate to our local food collections or get in touch."

The charity helps those in need of food in and around the High Wycombe area.

To find out more and to donate, visit www.onecantrust.org.uk.